Source code for schema_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os, enum
from util import Util, Hoare

[docs]class Validator(str, enum.Enum): """ 対応validator """ jsonschema = 'jsonschema'
[docs]class TypeSign(str, enum.Enum): """ | Type adhoc | schemaからダイナミックに取得するのが理想 """ # # RFC 4627#2.1 OBJ = 'object' ARRAY = 'array' STRING = 'string' NUM = 'number' FALSE = 'false' TRUE = 'true' JSON_NULL = 'null'
[docs]class Schema: """ | 抽象的な中継クラス | 下流具象クラスへの中継とreduce以外の作業はさせないこと """ schema_url = '' # subclassで設定 mandatoryのため空宣言 __DEBUG = False DEBUG = not (os.getenv('TRAVIS', not __DEBUG))
[docs] class JsonSchema: """ concrete 1 as jsonschema style """ def __init__(self): self.__schemas = [] from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, ValidationError, SchemaError # TEMP: jsonschema の対応状況により切り替える self.schema_url = {'$schema': ''} self.do_validate = Draft4Validator def _make_schema(self, type_desc): """ 最小粒度でのjsonschema構築 """ schema = {'type':'object'} if 'required' in type_desc[1].keys(): schema['required'] = [type_desc[0]] schema['properties'] = {type_desc[0] : {'type':type_desc[1]['type']}} self.__schemas.append(schema) return schema def _validate(self, evl, schema): # jsonschema による型チェック Draft-04 try: self.do_validate(evl, schema) except ValidationError as ve: Util.sprint('Validation Error has found.\n%s'%ve, self.DEBUG) print('_validate {} with: {}'.format(evl, self.__schemas), self.DEBUG) sys.exit(-1) except SchemaError as se: Util.sprint('Schema Error has found.\n%s'%se, self.DEBUG) print('Error Schema : %s'%self.__schemas) sys.exit(-2)
def __init__(self, validator): self.schema_name = validator self.schema_collection = [] # TEMP: type switch if validator == Validator.jsonschema: self.schema = Schema.JsonSchema()
[docs] def make_schema(self, desc): """ 一項目ずつの定義であることに留意 """ Hoare.P(isinstance(desc[0], str) and isinstance(desc[1], dict)) # TEMP: failfastとして小粒度で都度Errorを上げるか、reduceしたあと最後にvalidationをかけるか self.schema_collection.append(self.schema._make_schema(desc)) return self.schema_collection[-1]
[docs] def validate(self, evl, desc): """ | _validateに流す | 成功すればスルー、失敗したらその場でcommand error / 判定値は返さない | NOTE: 具体的なerrorハンドリングは_validate内で処理すること """ Hoare.P(isinstance(evl, list) or isinstance(evl, dict)) self.schema._validate(evl, self.make_schema(desc)) Util.sprint('i\'m {} \nNow I have -> {}'.format(self, self.schema_collection), self.DEBUG)