Source code for util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re, ast

[docs]class Util: comment_sign = ['#', '/{2}']
[docs] @classmethod def strip_comments(cls, rawStr): Hoare.P(isinstance(rawStr, str)) # ‘/\*/?([^/]|[^*]/)*\*/’ Ctype return re.sub(r'\n*[%s].*\n'%''.join(cls.comment_sign), '', rawStr.strip())
@classmethod def __validate_dict(cls, raw_value): """ このmodule で固有の読み替え問題を解決 """ local = cls.strip_comments(raw_value) local = cls.__conv_pyBoolean(local) # print('>>> %s'%local) # TEMP: 真面目な構文チェック if not (local.startswith('{') and local.endswith('}')): asDic = '{%s}'%local else: asDic = local return asDic
[docs] @classmethod def runtime_type(cls, rawStr): """ 連想配列を文字列で受けて、評価済みの型で返す """ asDic = cls.__validate_dict(rawStr) return ast.literal_eval(asDic)
@classmethod def __conv_pyBoolean(cls, v): tr = re.compile(r'true', re.IGNORECASE) fr = re.compile(r'false', re.IGNORECASE) local = re.sub(tr, 'True', v) return re.sub(fr, 'False', local)
[docs] @classmethod def conv_escapedKV(cls, _type, key, value, enc='utf-8'): from schema_helper import TypeSign key = key.encode('unicode-escape').decode(enc) value = value.encode('unicode-escape').decode(enc) value = '{!s}'.format('"%s"'%value if TypeSign.STRING in _type else value) local = '"{}": {}'.format(key, value) return local
[docs] @classmethod def check_emptyOR(cls, proc, item): """ :param proc: lambda x: ... or function 引数をひとつ持つ関数 :param item: 空 (list|dict|str) | None なら何もしない、空でなければprocを実行 :returns procが返値を持つ場合は、procに従う: """ if bool(item): proc(item)
[docs] @classmethod def sprint(cls, msg, flag=False): """ | class, f単位で出力制御設定するためのシンプルなDEBUG出力関数 | NOTE: Util\.sprint\(.+,\s*True\s*\) が見つかったらprintに書き換える :param msg: 表示文字列 :param flag: 表示制御flag """ # if flag: # import inspect # stack = inspect.stack() # the_class = stack[1][0].f_locals["self"].__class__.__name__ # print('*** %s ***'%str(the_class)) # # COMBAK: 効率化するならthe_class単位でloggerを切り替える # from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, DEBUG # # # logger = getLogger(str(the_class)) # handler = StreamHandler() # handler.setLevel(DEBUG) # logger.setLevel(DEBUG) # logger.addHandler(handler) # # # logger.propagate = False # logger.debug(msg) if flag: print(msg)
# Why Pythonista hates 'assert' a great function? # Meybe it is NOT a primary func. or want to use tests forcely.
[docs]class Hoare:
[docs] @classmethod def P(cls, *formula): comment = lambda x: x[1] if len(x) > 1 else '' if __debug__: if not formula[0]: print('%s'%comment(formula)) raise AssertionError() else: if not formula[0]: print('Not correct condition has found. [%s]'%comment(formula))