Source code for sub_command_core.generate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import SubCommands
from jsonica import errorout, refactor_check
import os, sys, json, argparse, contextlib
from functools import reduce

from util import Util

output_formats = ['csv', 'tsv']
output_delimiters = [',', '\t']

SP_FILE = '-'

[docs]class Generate(SubCommands): """ generate command """ VERSION = '0.1.0' __aliases = ['gen', 'g'] __help = 'generate analyzed files as TEXT from META descritor file. (e.g., Excel)' DEBUG = not (os.getenv('TRAVIS', False)) def __init__(self): super().__init__() @property def command_names(self): return [self.command_name] + self.aliases @property def aliases(self): return self.__aliases @property def help(self): return self.__help def __run__(self, **kwargs): args = kwargs['args'] # default option 対策 seelaso AnalyzeXSeparatedOutPath # refactor_check(args.__class__.__name__ == 'Namespace') if not args.output_format: args.output_format = ('tsv', output_delimiters[1], './output/') self.args = args fileloc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.input)) workpath = Generate.__treatFileTypes(fileloc) from xlsx import XLSX self._print('Analyzing... %s'%fileloc) x = XLSX(workpath, args.encoding, args.root_sheet, args.output_format) # sys.setrecursionlimit(1024 * 8) j = x.generate_json() with wild_open(args.output, encoding=args.encoding) as f: try: print(json.dumps(j, sort_keys=True, indent=args.human_readable) \ if args.human_readable > 0 else json.dumps(j), file=f) except: errorout(6, args.output) else: self._print('Output json Success ➡️ %s'%args.output) Util.sprint('XXX %s XXX'%x.piled_schema, self.DEBUG)
[docs] def make_argparse(self, subparser): myparser = super().make_argparse(subparser) outs = reduce(lambda l, r: '{} | {}'.format(l, r), output_formats) myparser.add_argument('-i', '--input', nargs='?', type=str, default='./Samples/cheatsheet.xlsx', metavar='path/to/inputfile', help='Set path/to/input xlsx filename.') myparser.add_argument('-hr', '--human_readable', type=int, default=0, metavar='tabsize', help='set indent size by numeric value, Output humanreadable json files.') myparser.add_argument('-r', '--root_sheet', nargs='?', type=str, default='root', # Default root sheet name metavar='sheetname', help='set a sheetname in xlsx book have. \nconstruct json tree from the sheet as root item. "root" is Default root sheet name.') # reserve # myparser.add_argument('-s', '--schema', # nargs='?', type=str, # metavar='schema url', # help='') myparser.add_argument('-o', '--output', nargs='?', type=str, action=AnalyzeJSONOutPath, metavar='path/to/outputfile(.json)', help='Output interpreted json. If this set which endswith ".json" as set full filename, output jsonfile treated as the name. But when not set ".json", adopt original xlsx filename, like path/to/outputfile/[source_METAFile_name].json\ (-o has special filename "{0}" as STDOUT, and when set like "-o {0}", all other stdout messages were masked.)'.format(SP_FILE)) myparser.add_argument('-of', '--output_format', nargs='?', type=str, action=AnalyzeXSeparatedOutPath, # (xsv, path)になるので注意 metavar='(%s):path/to/outputdir'%outs, help='''Output with the format, If you set this, output formfiles to path/to/[source_METAFile_name].xlsx/[sheetname.?sv]s It\'ll be recommended, if you want to have communication with non Tech team without any gitconfiging.''')
@classmethod def __treatFileTypes(cls, file): if file.endswith('.xlsx'): return file else: errorout(7, '%s format is not supported yet.'%file) def _print(self, msg): if not (self.args.output == SP_FILE): print(msg)
# argparse actions
[docs]class AnalyzeJSONOutPath(argparse.Action): """ 正当な出力json名を推測する """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): path, fileloc = values, namespace.input if path.endswith('.json'): # 指定されたファイル名まま jsonfilename = os.path.expanduser(path) elif path == SP_FILE: jsonfilename = path else: p = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.isdir(p): os.path.makedirs(p, exist_ok=True) # Excelと同名 fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileloc))[0] jsonfilename = os.path.join(p, r'%s.json'%fname) namespace.output = jsonfilename
[docs]class AnalyzeXSeparatedOutPath(argparse.Action): """ sv出力先と形式を解析する """ DEBUG = False def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if self.DEBUG: print('{} called: {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, values)) args = values.split(':') if len(args) != 2: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('''{} {} have to separate ?sv and outputpath with ":" e.g., tsv:path/to/output'''.format(option_string ,values)) elif not (args[0] in output_formats): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%s %s have to be picked from %s'%(option_string, args[0], output_formats)) o = output_formats.index(args[0]) namespace.output_format = (args[0], output_delimiters[o], args[1])
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def wild_open(filename=None, encoding='utf-8'): if filename and filename != SP_FILE: fh = open(filename, 'w', encoding=encoding) else: fh = sys.stdout try: yield fh finally: if fh is not sys.stdout: fh.close()